Our Programs

When combined, the Bikini Bombshell programs create the ultimate 9 month booty making/toning program! In v1.0 we explore a 3 month introduction to the exercises most likely to get your body shaped and toned while turning your system into a fat burning machine! Teaching you things like an exercises proper range of motion, how to get the most out of each rep and what muscular failure feels like. Get started today and begin your journey to a newer, healthier you!

This 3 month program is designed for those who’ve completed the first stage of the program and are looking to take their physique to the next level! Here we explore more advanced training routines; changing the pace of our reps and introducing a greater level of tension to the muscles we’re training. Adding new ways to introduce muscular hypertrophy free from heavily damaging the central nervous system & negating your body’s ability to properly heal and change.  Are you ready for the next level? Get v2.0 and start progressing today!

The advanced program is KOLPIN TRAINING’s no non sense approach to finalizing your 9 month journey with a new body and a wealth of training knowledge under your belt. Here we explore advanced fundamentals designed to take you to new heights in your training cycles! Embrace the challenge and change your physique today!

In a jam and need to drop 5, 10 or even 20 pounds before a trip or other important date? KOLPIN TRAINING has the solution for you! Introducing the “KT MINI CUT” specifically designed to help you shed fat FAST! Fill out our nutritional questionnaire and get started today!

Programs designed to help you extend the health and longevity of your life. This program teaches you to eat with health in mind. No gimmicks, no BS, just good choices designed to better serve your quality of life. Do you ever feel sluggish? Poorly rested? Like your immune system isn’t firing? Low energy or just plain run down? Then listen up!

The body is a unique vessel that takes us through the journey of life. Consider it like a well-tuned and oiled machine, just instead of nuts and bolts it has organs and muscles. Our Daily Healthy Eating Programs ensure those organs and muscles are getting everything they need to function optimally on a day to day basis.

Ready to get JACKED and HUGE? Then this is the program for you! I take you through a comprehensive growth season program designed at getting you large and in charge 😉

Teaching you basic to advanced movements with an emphasis on technique, progression and efficiency to help you achieve your goals in a quick a manner as possible! What are you waiting for? Get JACKED today!

Here we explore how to properly reverse diet a client whose either just competed and looking to optimize a solid post show growth season, or to help re introduce a healthier balance of nutrients for someone whose been lagging or trying KETO long term and tired of the lack of results.

If that’s you then let’s get started today!

A 3 day split that encourages high volume training to shed fat and tone the body right. The program splits into; PUSH, PULL and LEGS in order to maximize the amount of calories used in each trip to the gym (or home workout).

Repeat the process 2x a week with A & B workouts to keep things fresh and exciting or rotate the A & B workouts on a weekly basis, whatever best suites your schedule and needs.

Ah the meat and potatoes. Maybe you’re tired of having a PT put you on a damn bosu ball or chat your ear off for 60 mins without really pushing you to excel, or maybe you’ve never experienced having a trainer before, either way KOLPIN TRAINING is the way to go! Here you’ll get 1-on-1 training with me guaranteed to get you where you want to be as quickly as possible. Contact us to start today. Currently offering PT in the general Hamilton area.
Available programs

Making the decision to start is often the toughest decision around, but fear not, at KOLPIN TRAINING we’ve made the process as clear and straight forward as possible. Whether you’re looking to improve your health and quality of life or looking to change your physique we have the program for you. For over 20 years I’ve been dedicated to giving people a great fitness experience filled with plenty of fun and knowledgeable programs designed to help people of ALL levels achieve their goals.

The first steps are the hardest but the progress you’ll gain is endless.

  • You’ll leave with a better sense of your physical self and be more prepared for the future
  • Can improve confidence and quality of life
  • Be a stronger version of yourself

So what are you waiting for? Get started today and get creating a stronger, healthier you!